YELA Board

The YELA Board is comprised of ten representatives from the ten families who own the Yela Ka forest. Each family selects its own representative to serve on the Board. Each year at the annual general membership meeting, new executive officers are elected by the Board.

The Board is a diverse group with a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. Close ties between the ten families provide the foundation, pillars for strength and power in numbers. The YELA project is their pride and joy. In the words of our leader, “The YELA project is something that is so dear to our hearts which makes us all very proud. We look forward to working with you.”

In honor of our brothers and sisters who sacrificed so much to be an instrumental part of this movement, those serving on the YELA Board today share their values and dreams for a better cause.

Lanson Kun Alik

President & Chairman

Representing the family and heirs of Kun Alik

Alerson Alwin Alik

Vice President / Vice Chairman

Representing the family and heirs of Alwin Alik

Alwin Finias Alik


Representing the family and heirs of Finias Alik

Kun Ifrem Jonathan


Representing the family and heirs of Hiroko Ifrem Jonathan

Alik Palsis Jr

Representing the family and heirs of Kenye Kilafwa Palsis

Houver Kufus Alik

Representing the family and heirs of Kufus Alik

Mr Ofinai Alik

Representing the family and heirs of Durmama Newyear

Molton Nena Mongkeya

Representing the family and heirs of Tulpe Nena Mongkeya

Keney Espil Tulensru

Representing the family and heirs of Likiaksa Alik

Roundwich Nena William

Representing the family and heirs of Srue Nena William

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